What Is Telecommuting?

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Saxons Blog

Thanks to advancements in technology, it’s now more possible than ever before for employees to work remotely while remaining at their fully capacity. This is achieved by keeping a variety of communication channels open between co-workers, such as email, video chat, and telephone. While you may have to visit the office from time to time, video conferencing largely does away with the need to do this. Sounds tempting, right? Well, it should be because telecommuting is becoming far more common and could help you land a job that’s far too remote to commute to everyday.

But, there are obviously going to be a few drawbacks, so it’s important you consider the advantages and disadvantages before entering into a telecommuting job. If you’d like to learn more about what is telecommuting, read on now. Alternatively, you can visit our Careers page to find more of our articles there.

Why is telecommuting a growing trend?

The telecommuting trend all boils down to the fact that many business are opting to become digital workplaces in order to make collaboration and communication simple. This means businesses can have employees working together from anywhere in the world.

Previously, telecommuting was carried out by management teams and executives, but innovations now make it possible for anyone to utilise this kind of technology. In combination with an influx of freelancers in the job market, telecommuting has now become a staple part of many businesses’ infrastructure.

But, what does it mean for employees? Yes, it does offer flexibility but there’s much more to it that just that. Telecommuting is seen as a progressive and forward thinking way of doing business by many, but there are also limitations to the overall system as well.

What are the advantages of Telecommuting?

When it comes to telecommuting, there are a huge number of advantages for both employees and business owners. If you’re looking into working for a company that offers telecommuting as an option, make sure you investigate their policy to ensure you’re opting into the right kind of arrangement.

  • Greater freedom for employees

The most glaring advantage for anyone seeking a career at a company with a telecommuting policy comes in the form of freedom. It allows employees to dictate their working hours and where they work from. This gives people the chance to balance their work and personal commitments far better.

  • Increased productivity

Everyone has had to deal with distractions in the workplace that end up holding back your potential output. Telecommuting allows employees to remove themselves form unwanted distractions and increase their productivity as a result.

  • Collaboration with a wider pool of colleagues

Collaboration is everything in business and an effective commuting system allows employees to do so with a far greater pool of colleagues. This fosters an environment that generates innovative ideas that can benefit everyone working at a company.

  • Better use of time

The morning ritual of getting ready for work and then the commute in can take some employees hours every day. With telecommuting, employees can start work sooner by avoiding this drain on time and energy.

  • Employee retention

As more and more businesses compete for the top talent, job seekers will see an increase in the telecommuting options on offer. As it’s a very persuasive retention tool, eventually, this will also roll out to existing employees in businesses everywhere too.

What are the disadvantages of Telecommuting?

As with any system, telecommuting isn’t without its disadvantages. However, if you’re looking for a job that offers it as an option, you should take in consideration the kind of disadvantages you may have to deal with.

  • Motivation can be hard at times

Motivating yourself can be hard at the best of times but you may find that this becomes magnified when you’re working from home. While you may opt out of an office environment in order to save yourself from distractions, you might actually find that things at home start to do the same.

  • You could miss the social and culture side of a workplace

Leaving the office for your home could mean you end up missing out on a lot of the cultural aspects at your workplace. Depending on how your telecommuting environment is managed, you might feel a little isolated and distant from your colleagues.

  • Work can become your life

Having flexibility while also having a balanced work and social life is a big draw for many people. But, if you’re not careful you might find that the workplace invades your home life too much and you end up working longer than ever intended.

Do you still have questions about what is telecommuting? Contact us now to find out more or visit the Careers page to read our latest career inspired blog posts.

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