Why Two Factor Authentication is Important

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Saxons Blog

Data is the foundation on which organisations are built. This is especially true in industries that require you to operate and store important personal details such as income or medical information. It’s of the utmost importance that you preserve the safety of this data – not only because it’s what’s best for your customers, but also because it’s what’s best for your business. Trust between you and your audience is vital, so how can it be supported? One of the easiest security methods to put into motion is two factor authentication. Don’t know much about it? Read on to learn more about what it is and how it can benefit your business on a daily basis.

What is two factor authentication (2FA)?

2FA is an extra layer of security that goes a bit further than the standard measures taken by most companies. Instead of the generally accepted username and password on which many systems rely, two factor authentication adds in another level of authentication by requiring you to have something else in your possession in order to gain access. This could be through a code sent to your email, mobile number, or authentication app on your phone.

What are some examples of 2FA?

This extra level of authentication can come in a variety of forms. Oftentimes, you’ll be sent a one-time code that you need to input to continue using a program or site. These codes can be sent in a SMS to your phone or in an email. These codes will usually expire once used, and after a certain amount of time (from seconds to minutes, or sometimes hours) so they cannot be reused to gain access at a later time.

Another common example of two factor authentication is one that is very familiar to those who have smartphones. Fingerprint identification that comes after you punch in a user name and password counts as two factor authentication.

Why should you use 2FA in your business?

Some people might think two factor authentication is a pain. Having to consult a message on a phone every time you want to login to something can feel unnecessary. But if it helps avoid a major breach, the small hassle will be more than worth it!

Adds an additional layer of security if something goes awry

The main reason for your organisation to use two factor authentication is that sometimes, even when you try to stress how important it is, your team members don’t always treat online security as importantly as they should. This laissez faire attitude can be displayed in a variety of ways. Whether it’s being careless with writing down passwords and leaving them laying around, or accessing your system’s network on an unsecured internet connection when away from the office. Two factor authentication adds that little bit of security that can make the difference even if somebody does manage to get their hands on key login information.

Improves your clients security

Similarly, it’s difficult for you to help drive home the importance of security to your customers. Implementing two factor authentication on the user’s end helps them keep their information under lock and key as well. You help them help themselves in a fairly non-invasive way.

Keeps your data more secure

Two factor authentication is important to your business for a variety of reasons. Importantly, it protects crucial data that could potentially harm your customers and clients. At a business level, one data breach could be all it takes for your customers to lose faith in you and decide to take their time, focus, and resources elsewhere.

One way you can help avoid such issues is through two factor authentication. Whether you implement it on your company’s end, have your customers use it to access their own information, or both, adding multi factor authentication can be the difference between your precious data remaining safe and being stolen out from under you.

Although your team might find this extra security measure annoying to start with, they’ll soon get used to it. Eventually, they’ll think nothing of verifying their identity one extra little time before continuing. Consider adding two factor authentication to your organisation’s processes and systems today to increase the strength of your tech protection, contact our team today on how we can help you implement two factor authentication for your business.

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