4 Ways To Prevent Work Burnout With Technology

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Saxons Blog

Employee burnout should be a huge concern for your businesses if it isn’t already. After all, a significant drop in productivity has financial consequences, but work burnout can become infectious, which often leads to far more serious problems.

Today, burnout prevention is being made far easier for HR departments to handle, thanks to technological innovations. However, it’s fair to say that there are still a lot of companies out there trying to mitigate work burnout using traditional methods. Unsurprisingly, it’s essential for modern workplaces to adopt a modern approach to burnout.

If you’re wondering how to recover from burnout in the workplace, we’re here to make things crystal clear. We’ve gone and examined the very best technology-driven methods for businesses to take advantage of. So, take a look for yourself or visit our HR page to read more of our latest HR-inspired articles.

What makes burnout prevention so important?

It’s all too easy for businesses to forget just how important employee wellbeing is until it starts to impact them negatively. High pressure workloads and long-term stress are the biggest causes of work burnout. Bu,t having too little to do can also have the same effect on employees.

Technology in the workplace is quite often the cause of employee burnout as it creates an environment where it’s hard to switch off, even when at home. But, with that being said, it’s actually the underappreciated saviour when it comes to burnout prevention. The hard part is finding the right balance – keep your employees happy and productive at the same time.

There’s a wide array of benefits that technology could bring to your burnout prevention strategy, such as improved workload management, better scheduling and planning, the flexibility for employees to work from home, among other things. So, take a look at our list so you act ahead of time.  This instead of wondering how to recover from burnout when it’s already too late.

Make telecommuting possible

Establishing a telecommuting program is one of the easiest ways to give something back to your employees. In a world where employee turnover is a growing issue for businesses, it should come as no surprise that telecommuting is an extremely important workplace benefit that employees look for.

With telecommuting, businesses typically see an increase in employee productivity and a far better use of time during working hours. After all there’s no longer a daily commute or the hassle of bringing people together for meetings. Traditional time-intensive tasks and workplace obligations can be completed very efficiently, no matter how remotely employees are working.

To find out a little more about the benefits of telecommuting, take a look at one of our previous articles.

Improve the way employee schedules are organised

Without proper organisation, it can be a nightmare for managers and team leaders to find open moments for meetings. Double bookings and absenteeism can mean that meetings need to be cancelled or rebooked at short notice. Unsurprisingly, this causes added stress for management teams and disruption to employees’ working days.

Utilising calendar connectivity gives managers the ability to book resources, automate invitations, and check for any overlapping employee commitments. But, if there are any issues, employees can quickly make suggestions or request an alternative time for the meeting through their calendar.

Monitor how your employees are coping

Taking care of your employees’ wellbeing is a crucial aspect of any burnout prevention strategy. By spotting downward trends in performance and sporadic, unexplained absenteeism. Companies can strive in counter developing employee burnout before it becomes a serious issue.

HR departments can also help to incentivise certain actives that improve wellbeing, such as offering fitness trackers. But, by providing communications tools like Slack for the workforce, HR departments can help to keep communication flowing between managers and employees, which in turn, helps to spot any emerging issues.

Human Capital Management (HCM) make a difference

When an employee is absent, there is an inevitable requirement for work to be redistributed to other team members. However, without a Human Capital Management (HCM) system in place, management teams can easily redistribute workloads and manage employee overtime when required.

Every company will have moments of stress in this area, but it should be the exception rather than the rule. A predictable working schedule for employees will reduce stress and increase productivity.

Are you interested in learning more about how to recover from burnout and the technology that makes it possible? To learn more about work burnout prevention, simply contact an experienced member of our team about your workplace requirements or visit our HR page to read more of our recent articles.

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